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1. “一個人生活在世上 ……”:這里 “一個人生活在世上” ,無需譯成 “when people live in this world”, 只需要翻譯成“life is like...”,這樣更顯簡練。 

2. 運轉起來之后:這里用“toss”更好,因為是在水泥攪拌器里,“toss”更能體現出攪拌的意味。 

3. 身不由己:這里的意思是身處社會中,人失去對自己的控制 ,所以用 “loses control of its own existence”更為貼切。 

4. “使我們感覺到,不是某一個人的問題,而是社會問題,而是文化問題。”:在這句話的翻譯中,作者增譯 “I could cite similar analogies”以此作為強調。“不是 ……而是 ……”可以使用 “not ...but ...”句型 ,中文喜用散句 ,而英文喜用整句 ,故此句可合譯為一句話 : “The conclusion I always come to is that the problems of the Chinese people are not individual but rather social and cultural problems.”。

5. 耶穌臨死的時候說:“寬容他們!他們做的他們不知道。”:圣經中多用簡單詞匯;所以即使沒有讀過圣經,也可以譯出。全句譯為:Before he died, Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”。 

6. “年輕時候讀這句話 ,覺得稀松平常……”: “稀松平常”如果翻譯成 “common things”則太顯平淡,如用兩個形容詞“bland”和“frivolous”表明“稀松”和 “平常”則更奪人眼球。 

7.“……這句話沒有力量” :說 明作者覺得上述所言缺乏實質 ,不能給人力量 ,故可譯為 “lacked substance”,如若譯成: “statement lacks power.”則顯得不地道 。 

8.“但是到了我現在這個年齡”:此句中“到了我現在這個年齡”如若譯成 “when it comes to my age”略顯累贅,只需譯為“now”就可以了。 

9. “……才發現這句話多么深奧,多么痛心”: “才發現 …… ” 可用強調句式“Only...”的倒裝句,“發現”一詞可以用“appreciate” ,透露出作者隨年齡增長能品味出 “Jesus’ statement”的意義。全句譯為:“Only now do I appreciate its profundity and bitter irony.”這里用“bitter irony”來表明作者的痛苦,諷刺 。 

10. “使我想到我們中國人,成了今天這個樣子,我們的丑陋,來自于我們不知道我們丑 陋” :整句話缺少一個主語 ,但是從整個句子可以看出,主語為“Jesus’ statement” , 但因前文已用過 “statement”一詞 ,故此處可以用“word”代替。“來自于”可以譯成“grow out of”, “out of”有“出于……”的意思。全句譯為:“Jesus’ words taught me that the Chinese people’s ugliness grows out of our own ignorance of the fact that we are ugly.”。


Life is a little bit like a stone in a cement mixer; when it gets tossed around with the other ingredients, it loses control of its own existence. I could cite similar analogies, but the conclusion I always come to is that the problems of the Chinese people are not individual but rather social and cultural problems. Before he died, Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. When I first heard that statement as a child, I thought it rather bland and frivolous, and as I grew older I continued to feel that it lacked substance. Only now do I appreciate its profundity and bitter irony. Jesus’ words taught me that the Chinese people’s ugliness grows out of our own ignorance of the fact that we are ugly. The expenses for our trip to the United States were borne by Iowa University and Pei Zhuzhang, the owner of the Yenching Restaurant in Iowa City. Pei is a Chinese-American who had never set foot on China, nor met me before. 
His generosity moved me deeply. He said, “Before reading your books, I felt that the Chinese people were a great people. After reading them my thinking changed entirely. Your books inspired me and made me want to hear you speak in person.” 

選自 《丑陋的中國人 》









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