1.sheaf:n. 1.(谷物捆成的)束,捆 2. (物品扎成的)捆,扎
2.shear:v. 1. 剪羊毛 2. 折斷
The farmer is shearing his sheep.(那農夫正在給他的羊剪毛。)
3.sheath:n. 1.(刀、劍等的)鞘 2. 避孕套
4.sheen:n. (物品表面的)光輝,光澤
5.shimmer:v. 發閃爍的微光
The sea shimmered in the sunlight.(陽光下海水閃爍著微光。)
6.shirk:v. (因偷懶、膽怯等)逃避(工作、責任等)
If he couldshirk off the responsibility upon the others, he would. (只要能把責任推給別人,他就推給別人。)
7.shoal:n. 1.淺灘 2. 魚群
8.shoddy:a. 劣質的,粗制濫造的
That salesman really took us for a ride, these goods are very shoddy.(那個推銷員真的欺騙了我們,這些都是劣質商品。)
9.shortfall:n. 不足之量,差額
10.shove:v. & n. 推擠,推撞
The peopleshoved to get on the bus.(人們你推我擠爭著上公共汽車。)