1.spout:n. 1. 噴口2. 水柱v. 1.噴射2. 滔滔不絕
up the spout 在絕境中2. 懷孕的
2.sprint:v. 疾跑
He had tosprint to catch the bus.(他得猛跑一陣才能趕上公共汽車。)
3.spurious:a. 1. 不合邏輯的,謬誤的2. 假的,欺騙性的
There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.(這首詩中有幾行假托的詩句是后人加上去的。)
4.squabble:v. & n. (為瑣事)爭吵,口角
The boys were squabbling about who was the best runner.(孩子們在爭論誰跑得最快。)
5.squash:v. 1. 把…壓扁2. 擠進3. 壓制,平息n. 壁球
I sat on my hat and squashed it.(我坐在自己的帽子上, 把它給)壓扁了。
6.squeamish:a. 1.(因胃過敏)易惡心的2. 神經質的
squeamish about dirty things(對臟東西反胃)
7.squirm:v. 1. 蠕動,扭動2. 羞愧,不舒服
The little boy squirmed with shame.(這個小男孩因羞愧而局促不安。)
8.staccato:a. & ad. 斷續的(地)
Her pencil tapped out a staccato rhythm on the desk top.(她用鉛筆斷斷續續地敲擊著桌面。)
9.staid:a. (指人、外表、行為、愛好等)古板的,保守的
The locals were a very staid lot.(當地居民非常保守。)
10.stalemate:n. (國際象棋中的)僵局,和棋v. 使…陷入僵局