為了幫助考生系統的復習報關員課程 全面的了解報關員考試的相關重點,小編特編輯匯總了2011年報關員相關資料,希望對您參加本次考試有所幫助!!
8.The accurate declaration for the import goods is made by the .
A. consignee
B. consignor
C. Customs
D. any person
9.The loading, unloading, transshipment and transit of inward and outward mail bags are subject to Customs control and a way bill should be submitted to the Customs by the enterprise providing postal service.
A. cover
B. covering
C. covered
D. having covered
10.The description of currency of the Germany is .
A. Danish Krone
B. Deutsche Mark
C. Cuban Peso
D. Dutch Florin Guider
五 在下列各題括號內填寫該商品在《進出商品名稱及編碼》中的8位編碼
1.冷大馬哈魚( )
2.硬粒小麥( )
3.未經過化學改性的精制豆油( )
4.氯化納(符合化學定義)( )
5.石油原油( )
6.元明粉(精制硫酸鈉,分子式為Na2SO4)( )
7.酪蛋白( )
8.初級形狀的聚丙烯( )
9.褐色磨木漿(樺木)( )
10.山羊絨(未梳)( )
11.純棉漂白平紋機織物(織物重為50g/m2;幅寬110cm)( )
12.合金生鐵(初級形狀)( )
13.船舶弦外發動機(點燃往復式活塞內燃發動機)( )
14.尼龍--66鹽( )
15.已剪成手套形的針織經編純綿布( )
16.電子顯微鏡( )
17.銀制茶葉罐( )
18.氯丁橡膠膠乳( )
19.白豆蔻( )
20.直流電動機(輸出功率375千瓦)( )