稼ぐ、生計をたてる……What do you think are some enjoyable and unpleasant ways to make a living?
ガソリンの値段……The pump price of gasoline
家族を団結させる考え……values that can hold a family together
肩をポンポンたたいてほめる……give their employees a pat on the back……Do you think bosses should always give their employees a pat on the back for the work they do?
がっかりした:take the wind out of ones sails = disappoint or discourage someoneつまり、風に乗って進んでいた船が、風が凪いで止まってしまった。くそっー!!
がっかりさせてくれる人……people who let you down let you down……things you would say to a friend who let you down
かつぐ、騙す、(冗談)……having you on……the last time you thought someone was having you on
勝てる人は居なかった(俺に)……I was a good athlete in school. I could rings around everyone I competed against……run rings aroundが誰にも勝っていたと言う意味。
金の生る木は無い……money does‘t grow on trees
カバーしている、網羅している……to cover a lot of ground
壁に突き當たる???run into a brick wall……times when you‘ve run into a brick wall
かみころす……あくびをかみころす……stifle a yawnスタイフル?ア?ヨーン
神に誓って、暴當だ……cross my heart and hope to die
借りてきた貓:meek kitten
かわいそう……sorry for……animals you feel sorry for……If a lion bites a giraff,then I feel sorry for the giraff.——pity,pitiful
考えられない……I can‘t imagine ___ ___ing……I can’t imagine a woman wanting to become a sumo wrestler.面白いと思うけど。
がんがん壁に頭を打付けたくなった時……banging your head against a brick wall……times when you felt like you were banging your head against a brick wallフラストレーションがたまった時……??不可能?ことを試みる
鎌……sickle(シクル)……鎌で稲を刈る……reap rice with a sickle
構墲?い、気にしない、問題ではない……It wouldn‘t bother me at all if……
紙芝居……a picture-story showどおやら、外國には無いらしい。幼稚園等ではせいぜい絵暴(大きな)ぐらいだそうだ。
かわす、防ぐ、避ける……ward off……try to ward off the inevitable……避けられない物事を避けようとする
間一髪?びっくりした事……had a close call……the last time you had a close call……close shaveもある
考えている事、今考えている事……on your mind……anything that has been on your mind
考え直す……I thought better of it……I was going to major in archaeology,but I thought better of it.考古學では食えませんからね。