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Mental Health

1 Mentally healthy people experience a high level of self-esteem and find social interaction to be comfortable and rewarding. A sense of self-esteem is inseparable from emotional health, but we must caution that you cannot expect to feel personally fulfilled by everything. Additionally, a sense of self esteem is not always enough to completely offset the health problems that can afflict us.

2 We define a mentally healthy person as one who is capable of using resources from dimensions of health of feel good about life and other people. A more specific yardstick for measuring mental health comes from the National Mental Health Association, which describes mentally healthy people as those who.

3 Feel comfortable about themselves. They are not overwhelmed by their own feelings, and can accept many of life's disappointments. They experience all of the human emotions (for ex-ample, fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, joy) but are not overcome by them.

4 Feel right about other people. They feel comfortable with others and are able to give and receive love. They are concerned about the well-being of other people and have relationships that are satisfying and lasting.

5 Are able to meet the demands of life. Mentally healthy people respond to their problems, accept responsibility, plan ahead without fearing the future, and are able to establish reachable goals.

6 We do not wish to give a "perfect" view of mentally healthy people. At times, mentally healthy people experience stress, frustrations, and feelings of self-doubt, failure, and rejection. What distinguishes the mentally healthy is their resilience-their ability to recapture their sense of emotional will within a reasonable time. Emotional and psychological health.

7 Is there a difference between emotional and psychological health? Many people believe that there is little real difference between the terms. Rather, there is only the absence of mental ill-ness and psychopathology.

8 People who believe that a difference exists would describe that difference on the basis of the focused nature of emotional health and the most global nature of psychological health. To these persons, emotional health relates to the specific responses of individuals to changing situations within their environment. These responses are subjective in origin and reflect the value orientation of the person. Defense mechanisms are routinely used to soften the more painful and less acceptable of these feelings. Indeed, responses to change reflecting a sense of joy, anger, compassion, sympathy, empathy, frustration, and disappointment are familiar healthy emo-tions. Emotionally healthy people feel good about their responses to change, while those who are negative about their own feelings and their responses to change are less emotionally healthy.

9 In comparison to emotional health, psychological health relates to the positive and function-al unfolding of the wide range of psychic traits, including the development of language, memo-ry, perceptual processes, awareness states, and the psychophysical interfacing of the mind and body. Psychologically healthy persons deal rationally with the world, display a fully functional personality, and resolve conflict in a nondestructive manner. Psychologically healthy people use more aspects of the psyche than their feeling states.

1 Paragraph 1 ________

2 Paragraph 2 ________

3 Paragraph 5 ________

4 Paragraph 8 ________

A Traits of mentally healthy people

B Components of self-esteem

C Definition of mentally healthy people

D Difference between mentally health and psychological health

E What emotional health is

F People able to meet the demands of lire

5 People with low self-esteem may find it hard ________.

6 Mentally healthy people may still feel afraid sometimes, ________.

7 A person who doesn't care about how other people feel ________.

8 Some people believe that emotional health ________.…

A but they are not defeated by the fear

B can hardly receive lore from others

C to make other people love themselves

D to make friends with others

E always feels comfortable with himself

F is part of psychological health






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